It's 100% FREE. Hundreds of teachers are turning to SATs Tests Online to give their year 6 pupils an extra boost in preparation for their SATs in May. No need to find and print off SATs Questions - they are all here in one place.
This site has banks of SATs-Style questions in Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning), and English (Spelling, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Grammar, Reading) and Science - which are randomly-generated and automatically marked and recorded in graphs.
Click here for your FREE account »
Your pupils can take their own tests in Maths, English: Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Vocabluary. Available on any internet-connected PC/Mac/device.
SATs questions have been specifically chosen to reflect the current curriculum frameworks and similar to recent SATs Test papers.
View their test results in easy-to-read graphs to keep an eye on their progress.
Students who use SATs Tests Online make considerable progress in their SATs Tests in May
How does SATs Tests Online fit in with the Key Stage Two 2014 National Curriculum? Our test-questions reflect the new changes and requirements for the 2014 National curriculum. We understand that the change in the expectations of the maths curriculum means that we ensure that the questions are sufficiently challenging.
Based in Manchester, but covering the nation, our goal is to prepare pupils for their SATs Tests each May by giving them virtual SATs Tests of their own devising. Teachers can monitor individual or class/group progress giving them valuable insights - at any time.
We have changed the level of attainment for 'End of Test' score, for all subjects. The standardised scores are based on the percentage of correct answers for each test. The standardised scores are indicative of the government KS2 guidance on scaled scores.